Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

"In the kitchen" - Karaoke - Tell me More Kids - Rumah Kaliko

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids

Tell me More Kids Rumah Kaliko adalah CD-ROM untuk belajar bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak usia s.d 7 tahun. Di dalamnya ada 7 lokasi. Di setiap lokasi terdapat game, karaoke, dan kartun.

Untuk melihat karaoke di dalamnya, pilih dan klik saja salah satu lokasi berikut:
"In the garage""In the Living Room""In the playroom""In the kitchen""In the bedroom""At the garden""In the bathroom"

Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 7-9 tahun, atau Kota Kaliko, klik di sini.
Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 9-12 tahun, atau Dunia Kaliko, klik di sini.

Di bawah ini lirik dari karaoke yang ditemukan di lokasi "In the kitchen", dengan judul "I'm hungry"

I’m hungry

Mummy, I am hungry.
Mummy, I am hungry.
Do you want some bread?
I want some chocolate.

Mummy, I am thirsty.
Mummy, I am thirsty.
Do you want some milk?
I want some water.

Thank you, thank you, Mummy.
Thank you, thank you, Mummy.
Oh, thank you!
Oh, thank you!
Thank you very much!

If you want to see the video of this song, click here!

Untuk mengetahui karaoke Tell me More Kids lainnya, silakan klik:
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Kota Kaliko
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Dunia Kaliko

Around The House - Rumah Kaliko Around The Town - Kota Kaliko Around The World - Dunia Kaliko 
Tell me More Kids, English for Kids, English for young learners, English songs, Children songs, learn English, belajar bahasa Inggris, kursus Inggris, English course, karaoke, fun English, joyful English, learn English while having fun, teach Englishlyrics, English rhyme, I am hungry, Do you want some bread?, I want some water

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

"In the bedroom" Karaoke - Tell me More Kids - Rumah Kaliko

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids 

Tell me More Kids Rumah Kaliko adalah CD-ROM untuk belajar bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak usia s.d 7 tahun. Di dalamnya ada 7 lokasi. Di setiap lokasi terdapat game, karaoke, dan kartun.

Untuk melihat karaoke di dalamnya, pilih dan klik saja salah satu lokasi berikut:
"In the garage""In the Living Room""In the playroom""In the kitchen""In the bedroom""At the garden""In the bathroom"

Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 7-9 tahun, atau Kota Kaliko, klik di sini.
Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 9-12 tahun, atau Dunia Kaliko, klik di sini.

Di bawah ini lirik dari karaoke yang ditemukan di lokasi "In the bedroom", dengan judul "I'm tired"

I’m tired

I am very tired,
I want to sleep.
I am very tired,
Let's go to bed.

Good night Mummy,
Good night Daddy,
Give me a kiss.
Good night, sleep well.
Good night,
Good night, sweet dreams!

Watch the video of the song here!

Untuk mengetahui karaoke Tell me More Kids lainnya, silakan klik:
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Kota Kaliko
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Dunia Kaliko

Around The House - Rumah Kaliko Around The Town - Kota Kaliko Around The World - Dunia Kaliko 
Tell me More Kids, English for Kids, English for young learners, English songs, Children songs, learn English, belajar bahasa Inggris, kursus Inggris, English course, karaoke, fun English, joyful English, learn English while having fun, teach Englishlyrics, English rhyme, I am very tired, I want to sleep, Good night, sleep well, sweet dream

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

"At the garden" - Karaoke - Tell me More Kids - Rumah Kaliko

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids

Tell me More Kids Rumah Kaliko adalah CD-ROM untuk belajar bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak usia s.d 7 tahun. Di dalamnya ada 7 lokasi. Di setiap lokasi terdapat game, karaoke, dan kartun.

Untuk melihat karaoke di dalamnya, pilih dan klik saja salah satu lokasi berikut:
"In the garage", "In the Living Room", "In the playroom", "In the kitchen", "In the bedroom", "At the garden", "In the bathroom"

Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 7-9 tahun, atau Kota Kaliko, klik di sini.
Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 9-12 tahun, atau Dunia Kaliko, klik di sini.

Di bawah ini lirik dari karaoke yang ditemukan di lokasi "At the garden", dengan judul "Go to the garden"

To the garden

Go, go, go to the garden.
Eat, eat, eat a tomato.
Play, play, play in the garden.
Take, take, take a potato.

Let's sing, sing, sing "la la la!"
And say, say, say "hurrah!"
Let's sing, sing, sing "la la la!"
And say, say, say "hurrah!"

Go, go, go to the garden.
Eat, eat, eat a banana.
Play, play, play in the garden.
Pick, pick, pick a flower!

Let's sing, sing, sing "la la la!"
And say, say, say "hurrah!"
Let's sing, sing, sing "la la la!"
And say, say, say "hurrah!"

The video of this song can be seen here!

Untuk mengetahui karaoke Tell me More Kids lainnya, silakan klik:
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Kota Kaliko
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Dunia Kaliko

Anda mungkin juga tertarik untuk mengetahui:
Product concept of Tell me More Kids
Argumen-argumen dasar Tell me More Kids
Kemasan dan isi Tell me More Kids setiap level
Linguistic functions of Tell me More Kids

Check Tell me More Kids on Amazon:
Around The House - Rumah KalikoAround The Town - Kota KalikoAround The World - Dunia Kaliko

Tell me More Kids, English for Kids, English for young learners, English songs, Children songs, learn English, belajar bahasa Inggris, kursus Inggris, English course, karaoke, fun English, joyful English, learn English while having fun, teach English, lyrics, English rhyme, go to the garden, let's sing, Let's play

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids

"In the bathroom" - Karaoke - Tell me More Kids - Rumah Kaliko

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids

Tell me More Kids Rumah Kaliko adalah CD-ROM untuk belajar bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak usia s.d 7 tahun. Di dalamnya ada 7 lokasi. Di setiap lokasi terdapat game, karaoke, dan kartun.

Untuk melihat karaoke di dalamnya, pilih dan klik saja salah satu lokasi berikut:
"In the garage", "In the Living Room", "In the playroom", "In the kitchen", "In the bedroom", "At the garden", "In the bathroom"

Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 7-9 tahun, atau Kota Kaliko, klik di sini.
Untuk mengetahui CD-ROM Tell me More Kids bagi anak usia 9-12 tahun, atau Dunia Kaliko, klik di sini.

Di bawah ini lirik dari karaoke yang ditemukan di lokasi "In the bathroom", dengan judul "When I am happy"

In the bathroom

When I am happy, I laugh.
When I am sad, I cry.
When I am happy, I laugh.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

When I am happy, I sing.
When I am sad, I shout.
When I am happy, I sing.
La la la la la la la la!

I am singing in the bath,
Because I am happy.
I am singing in the bath.
I am very happy.

When I am happy, I laugh.
When I am sad, I cry.
When I am happy, I laugh.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

When I am happy, I sing.
When I am sad, I shout.
When I am happy, I sing.
La la la la la la la la!

Watch the video of this song here!

Untuk mengetahui karaoke Tell me More Kids lainnya, silakan klik:
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Kota Kaliko
Karaoke in Tell me More Kids - Dunia Kaliko

Around The House - Rumah KalikoAround The Town - Kota KalikoAround The World - Dunia Kaliko
Tell me More Kids, English for Kids, English for young learners, English songs, Children songs, learn English, belajar bahasa Inggris, kursus Inggris, English course, karaoke, fun English, joyful English, learn English while having fun, teach English, lyrics, English rhyme, I am very happy

Learning English with Tell Me More Kids

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Teknologi Tell me More: Speech Recognition, SETS, Waveforms and Pitch Curves

Learning English with Tell Me More 

Speech Recognition

Ada 3 kriteria yang membedakan teknologi speech recognition engines:
  • tipe wicara yang dikenal ([1] kata demi kata: kata diucapkan secara terpisah dengan ditandai jeda; [2] atau wicara berkelanjutan, memungkinkan pengucapan yang lebih alami),
  • kemampuan memproses tipe speech recognition egines [1] memproses kata per kata atau [2] memproses kalimat lengkap
  • tingkat ketergantungan pada speaker ([1] sistem “tergantung pada penutur model” [speaker-dependent system]: sistem disesuaikan dengan penutur yang ada sehingga komputer hanya mengenali wicara yang mirip dengan wicara dan suara penutur model; [2] sistem yang tidak tergantung penutur model: speech recognition bisa mengenali berbagai suara user, tidak memandang usia, jenis kelamin, nada, dst.)

Produk Auralog menggunakan speech recognition engines yang paling canggih
  • untuk wicara berkelanjutan [continuous speech],
  • memproses kalimat lengkap,
  • dan tidak tergantung pada penutur model,
  • memungkinkan siswa menyempurnakan pengucapan kata demi kata atau pun kalimat lengkap dalam kecepatan dan tingkat kesulitan pilihannya sendiri
  • Softwarenya menggunakan sistem yang tidak tergantung pada penutur model sehingga setiap user bisa memanfaatkannya dan tidak perlu menjalani proses pembiasaan (familiarisation process)

  • Siswa bisa menikmati percakapan nyata dengan komputer
  • Jawaban user menentukan jalannya percakapan
  • User bisa menyesuaikan fungsi speech recognition dengan levelnya sendiri, membuat evaluasi komputer terhadap pengucapan user lebih toleran atau menuntut
  • User melatih pengucapan kata atau kalimat dan menerima skor yang bisa digunakan untuk mengevaluasi akses, pengucapan dan intonasi

Speech recognition memungkinkan komputer menjadi guru yang tepat, selalu tersedia dan tidak mengenal lelah.

Spoken Error Tracking System (SETS)
SETS adalah teknologi yang hak patennya dipegang oleh Auralog. Auralog mematenkannya 1999.
Satu langkah besar dalam teknologi speech recognition: mendeteksi secara tepat letak kesalahan pengucapan dalam sebuah kalimat, mendeteksi kata yang masih salah diucapkan

Waveforms and Pitch Curves
Memvisualisasikan secara akurat tidak hanya pengucapan (pronunciation) melainkan juga intonasi (intonation)
Waveform menunjukkan amplitudo suara (energi), menunjukkan intensitas suara dan struktur pengucapan
Pitch curve menunjukkan variasi frekuensi suara, memungkinkan siswa membandingkan intonasinya dengan model

Auralog satu-satunya penerbit software yang menawarkan aplikasi yang mengevaluasi pronunciation dan intonation baik kalimat lengkap maupuan kata-kata dengan visualisasinya.

You may want to know also about the following:

Apakah Tell me More itu?
Presentasi Tell me More British English
Tell me More British English - Leaflet
TeLL me More The Complete Solution for Personalized Language Learning
Teknologi Tell me More: Speech Recognition, SETS, Waveforms, Pitch Curves
TeLL me More: "Native Speaker" Anda dalam Belajar Inggris
Mau Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan "Native Speaker"?
Description of TELL ME MORE levels Skill Board
List of lessons and videos of Tell me More British English

Beberapa Keberatan terhadap Tell me More
Kesaksian PenggunaTellmeMore

Tell me More British English Beginner - List of Lessons and Description
Tell me More British English Intermediate - List of Lessons and Description
Tell me More British English Advanced- List of Lessons and Description

Grammar Points of Tell me More British English Beginner
Grammar Points of Tell me More British English Intermediate
Grammar Points of Tell me More British English Advanced

Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Paket Lengkap
Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Advanced
Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Intermediate
Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Beginner

Learning English with Tell Me More 

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Birthday Presents

Learning English with Early Bird

Learning English

Quoted from Teacher's Guide 1 page 63

Hari ulang tahun seorang siswa suatu kelas merupakan sebuah kesempatan yang sesuai untuk berbicara mengenai ritual, ucapan selamat, perayaan dan hadiah. Jika mungkin bisa juga pada kesempatan ini dirancang sebuah undangan dalam bentuk gambar. Tetapi secara pasti akan dibicarakan juga mengenai hadiah yang berupa toys. Sebagai perkenalan ke tema guru menceritakan sebuah cerita pendek.

Alice and Oliver are sister and brother. They are twins. Do you know what twins are? Twins are born on the same day, so their birthday is on the same day. Do we have twins in our class? Twins can be sister and sister or sister and brother or brother and brother. Now, listen carefully to the story about Alice and Oliver.

Guru membacakan cerita itu dengan memainkan berbagai peran. Siswa sudah mempunyai lembar-lembar kerja di hadapan masing-masing.

Birthday Presents
Alice and Oliver are twins. Today is their birthday. They have invited some friends: Mike, Anne and Jason.

Alice: "I want to open my presents. I'll open the big one first. Oh, great. It's a big doll. Thank you, Mike."
Mike: "You're welcome."
Alice: "And what's this?"
Anne: "Go on, open it!"
Alice: "It's a jigsaw. Wonderful, thank you, Anne."
Anne: "You're welcome."
Alice: "I want to show you all the presents from my parents. Look: a green ball, a teddy-bear and a red bike. Now, let's play!"

Oliver: "I'll open the big one first, too. It's a red racing car. That's great. Thank you, Mike."
Mike: "You're welcome."
Oliver: "And what's this?"
Anne: "Go on, open it!"
Alice: "It's a memory game. Super! Thank you so much, Jason."
Anne: "You're welcome."
Alice: "I want to show you all the presents from my parents. Look: a football, a robot and a blue bike. Now, let's play!

Cerita dibacakan berulang kali dan di kali ke dua atau ke tiga siswa sudah menambahkan beberapa formulasi seperti: Go on, open it!, atau That's great, thank you.
Dilanjutkan dengan tugas untuk memotong KG di sisi bawah halaman, menata dan menamai kembali ketika dibacakan ulang.

Presents for Alice: a doll ...
Presents for Oliver: a racing car ...

Penempelan ke kolom yang benar diiringi dengan struktur-struktur yang selalu diucapkan sama.

A doll for Alice. A racing car for Oliver.

Pada akhirnya, pertanyaan: Which present did you get for your birthday? bisa sekali lagi diarahkan untuk menyebutkan hadiah-hadiah atau keinginan yang sangat disukai anak.

Informasi lebih detil mengenai Early Bird bisa dilihat berikut ini:
Early Bird
Apakah Early Bird Itu?
EARLY BIRD: The complete English course for primary school grades 3 - 6
EARLY BIRD: Menjawab 3 Persoalan Utama Guru Bahasa Inggris

Beberapa komponen Early Bird:
...got it? EARLY BIRD Language Competence Checks
Storyland: Short Stories for Story Telling and Reading
Welcome to Our Play: 9 Plays for English Class at Primary School

Beberapa Panduan Mengajar Menggunakan Early Bird:
Memulai Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Early Bird Guide: First Steps (English version)
Early Bird Guide: First Steps (Indonesian version)
Early Bird Guide: Panduan Lanjutan
Birthday Presents

Learning English with Early Bird

List of lessons and videos of Tell me More British English

Learning English with Tell Me More 

List of lessons and videos

Tell me More for personal use with Indonesian interface consists of three levels, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each level contains 12 lessons and 6 videos. Their list is as follows:



Introducing oneself
Numbers & letters
Date & time
Objects & animals
Arriving in England
The cocktail party
Streets of London
Finding your way
Everyday actions
At the office


Breakfast menus
'Still hungry?'
The menu
Booking a villa
Arriving at the villa
Weather forecast
A canoeing trip
Organising a meal
Setting the table
Going out
Going to a concert


The Villa

The Weather

Holidays and Celebrations



A car trip
On the motorway
At the airport
On the plane
At the station
On the train
Customs checks
The luggage search
Hotel reservations
Staying in a hotel
A tour of the town
A tour of the castle
Means of transport

Air travel


Stop Thief!


World Tourism

Description of TELL ME MORE levels Skill Board

Learning English with Tell Me More 

Tell me More on a par
with the most Renowned Certification Test

< 400
< 450
< 130

Description of  TELL ME MORE levels Skill Board

  • Understand a short, simple text describing familiar people or things
  • Understand simple questions (what one wants, where one is, who one is)
  • General understanding of texts concerning general subjects (between 100 and 300 words).
  • Understand a dialogue consisting of about 5 responses (who the main characters are, where the dialogue takes place, what the subject is)
  • Understand the main points covered in texts about everyday life (less than 1 000 words)
  • Understand the crux of a letter or an administrative document, one or two pages long
  • Read a magazine or newspaper article
  • Easily understand simple conversations (5 - 10 minutes long) about everyday life
  • Understand the crux of conversations (10 to 20 minutes long) about past-times, opinions and preferences

  • Understand a letter or an administrative document without any problem
  • Read short stories (10 to 20 pages).-Understand most articles (daily press or magazines)
  • Read certain stories (familiar subject and everyday vocabulary)
  • Understand, on the whole, the content of certain Internet sites (familiar subject containing little text)
  • Understand conversations on everyday life without a problem (between 30 minutes and an hour) (past-times, tastes, others etc.), but have difficulty when spoken too quickly
  • Understand dialogues (of an hour or more) on business topics (economical, financial, scientific or current affairs)

Tell me More British English Beginner Intermediate Advanced

You may want to know also about the following:

Apakah Tell me More itu?
Presentasi Tell me More British English
Tell me More British English - Leaflet
TeLL me More The Complete Solution for Personalized Language Learning
Teknologi Tell me More: Speech Recognition, SETS, Waveforms, Pitch Curves
TeLL me More: "Native Speaker" Anda dalam Belajar Inggris
Mau Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan "Native Speaker"?
List of lessons and videos of Tell me More British English

Beberapa Keberatan terhadap Tell me More
Kesaksian PenggunaTellmeMore

Tell me More British English Beginner - List of Lessons and Description
Tell me More British English Intermediate - List of Lessons and Description
Tell me More British English Advanced- List of Lessons and Description

Grammar Points of Tell me More British English Beginner
Grammar Points of Tell me More British English Intermediate
Grammar Points of Tell me More British English Advanced

Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Paket Lengkap
Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Advanced
Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Intermediate
Kemasan dan Isi Tell me More British English Beginner

learn English, belajar bahasa Inggris,  CD-ROM interaktif, TOEFL, TOEIC, kursus, metode belajar baru, belajar menyenangkan, software, language learning software

Learning English with Tell Me More