The complete English course for primary school grades 3 - 6
Early Bird is a perfect way of holistic and effective English learning. It covers all fields of language learning:Listening and comprehension - speaking - reading - writing
9 thematic units support this teaching method. Early Bird materials are communication-oriented and motivate children to participate actively. Early Bird covers all obligatory topics and learning fields of the school curriculum.
The 9 thematic units
All about animals
That’s me
Me and my family
My home
At school
My town
Fruit and vegetables
Seasons and festivals
Magic and fairy tales
Each of the 9 thematic units contains a poster, a teacher’s guide and LOGICO PICCOLO series. More materials like an audio CD with English songs and an audio CD with dialogues and booklet can be used additionally in English class. The book ...got it? 3-4 offers teachers language competence checks to evaluate their students’ progress.
The Posters
The 10 posters (70 x 100 cm) are an ideal starting point and can be used for interactive teaching in the whole class or in a group. Playfully, the children learn the new vocabulary: by means of constant hearing and speaking, the vocabulary is repeated frequently and consolidated.
Additionally to each poster there is a box with 26 loose picture and word cards. These cards can be placed flexibly on the posters. This enables teachers to start with a basic vocabulary and to introduce more and new words step by step. Teachers will also find various suggestions and ideas for the daily work in class in the teacher’s guide.
Rights sold:
China, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain
The Teacher’s Guides

The Teacher’s Guides introduce teachers to the didactic method of Early Bird Additionally the Teacher’s Guides offer a rich source of ideas and materials for English class. Teachers and children will find materials for exciting and motivating activities like English songs, rhymes, pictures, games, little English stories and work sheets.
Rights sold:
China, Czeck Republic, Estonia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain, Taiwan
For each theme package, there is a LOGICO PICCOLO title as a supplement for reading. The vocabulary that has been introduced in class is picked up again and then repeated and applied in manifold exercises. 9 LOGICO PICCOLO titles exactly match with the themes of the posters and Teacher’s Guides. The cards can be used by the children independently.
Rights sold:
China, Czeck Republic, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey
Audio CDs

Two audio CDs include all the Early Bird-songs from the Teacher’s Guides (singing and instrumental playback). They are an ideal supplement to the material and facilitate learning English by presenting a playful and entertaining access.
Songs 1 with the songs for Early Bird Theme packages 1-4
Songs 2 with the songs for Early Bird Theme packages 5-9
Rights sold:
China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Portugal, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey
Birdie’s way to classroom English
CDs with dialogues and booklet
BIRDIE’s way to classroom English is an audio CD for pupils and teachers alike. To each of the Early Bird themes there are dialogues. The speakers are Paul and Susan - two English children -, Birdie and Little Birdie - the hand puppets - and John - the presenter. The children can listen to the entertaining episodes and even re-enact them with the hand puppets. The CD supports the children’s listening comprehension, stimulates their active speaking and helps them to get the right pronunciation.
For teachers there are many expressions on the CD that will prove useful in English lessons. The CD offers teachers models, how to formulate demands and questions, how to appreciate results, how to explain games and more. Thus, the CD is also a great help for teachers to refresh and consolidate their English for the use in English class.
Rights sold:
China, Indonesia, Turkey
Birdie + Little Birdie
Hand puppets including didactical information and further suggestions from Prof. H.-E. Piepho how to use the puppets most effectively in English class.
Children love hand puppets. They make speaking English fun and are a stimulus for students to build up their confidence in speaking English.
Terry cloth, lined, washable
Birdie 35 cm
Little Birdie 25 cm
Sold to:
China, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain
Informasi lebih detil mengenai Early Bird bisa dilihat berikut ini:
Early Bird
Apakah Early Bird Itu?
EARLY BIRD: The complete English course for primary school grades 3 - 6
EARLY BIRD: Menjawab 3 Persoalan Utama Guru Bahasa Inggris
Beberapa komponen Early Bird:
...got it? EARLY BIRD Language Competence Checks
Storyland: Short Stories for Story Telling and Reading
Welcome to Our Play: 9 Plays for English Class at Primary School
Beberapa Panduan Mengajar Menggunakan Early Bird:
Memulai Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Early Bird Guide: First Steps (English version)
Early Bird Guide: First Steps (Indonesian version)
Early Bird Guide: Panduan Lanjutan
Birthday Presents
Learning English with Early Bird
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